9th Balloon Meeting at Tegernsee

After we had been really lucky with the weather at the König-Ludwig-Montgolfiade and in Gosau, the Balloon Meeting at Tegernsee almost completely fell victim to fog and wind. All launch periods of the big balloons had to be cancelled, only the hot air airships could draw their circles over Bad Wiessee.

Well, and the model balloonists showed once more that they are just more flexible when it comes to doubtful weather: They were present at the nightglows on Thursday and Friday, and on Saturday and Sunday they entertained the crowd at Bad Wiessee with their balloons during the day.

Despite the weather, our humour never suffered, as there were lots of other events during the days. Whether at the Bräustüberl at Tegernsee, during the tobbogan ride at the Wallberg, in the swimming pool of Wiessee, at the concert of the "Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung" or at different after show parties: We really had loads of fun. And whilst Basti's big love turned out to be a green bottle, Matthias pursued the question why we have two eyes, two ears and two hands, but only one heart. If he found the answer? Who knows... ;-)

Our heart-felt thanks to: Wolfgang for the photos, the team of the Tourist-Info Bad Wiessee for the perfect organisation, the girls from the wardrobe and to all the others who made this weekend - once more - unforgettable.

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